Hampshire 2050 Partnership

11 January 2021

Partners and Commissioners from the Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry attended the third Hampshire 2050 Partnership event on 11 January 2021.

The virtual event saw the launch of the first Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry Annual Progress Report and three accompanying “State of Reports” on the Natural Environment, Economy and Society in Hampshire.

Presentation covers

Partners heard three presentations on the Annual Progress Report, the State of Natural Environment and the State of Economy and Society from Hampshire County Council Officers.

The Annual Progress report outlines the progress made against the recommendations set out in the 2050 Commission Report and the “State of Reports” provide a baseline of the current state of these drivers in Hampshire, setting out a data rich analysis including key findings, trends, and emerging issues within Hampshire.

The reports also provide a starting point from which progress can be measured in the future.

The reports can be found here:

The event also featured two keynote presentations.

The first presentation was from Nancy Wilkinson, Principal Advisor at the Behavioural Insights Team, who presented to the 2050 Commission in October 2018. Nancy presented on how behavioural science can be used to tackle challenges set out in the Hampshire 2050 report.

The second presentation was from Elizabeth Cox, Director at the New Economics Foundation. Elizabeth presented on the new partnership between Hampshire County Council and the New Economics Foundation to help create a Green Recovery Framework and Roadmap for Hampshire.

Nancy and Elizabeth's presentations are provided below.

Nancy Wilkinson

Nancy Wilkinson

Nancy Wilkinson is Principal Advisor at the Behavioural Insights Team, leading BIT's in education. She is on secondment from Nesta, the UK's innovation foundation, where she helped to develop Nesta's upcoming new strategy and previously led Nesta's work on education and technology.

Before Nesta, Nancy worked at the Wellcome Trust, overseeing education policy and various research projects and also spent a year working at the House of Commons on the Education Select Committee.

She has a Masters in Chemistry from the University of Oxford.



Elizabeth is a Director at the New Economics Foundation. She is an experienced economist who has led the New Economics Foundation’s UK and international research on localities and local economies over 13 years and is a specialist in developing co-designed approaches.

Elizabeth has extensive experience of managing large and complex projects across the UK and in South America, South Africa, India, Japan and Europe. The New Economics Foundation is the UK’s leading think tank promoting social, economic, and environmental justice and equity to transform the economy so that it works for people and the environment.