Year of Health and Wellbeing launch event

Hampshire 2050 partners met in Winchester for the Year of Health and Wellbeing launch event on September 9 2024

At the launch we were privileged to welcome England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer and the Professional Lead for the Office for Health Improvements and Disparities, Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy.

I think the Partnership’s Year of Health and Wellbeing initiative is fantastic. I have not seen an approach quite like this in any of my travels around the country.

This will help direct efforts on what are some of the really big challenges that Hampshire faces and enables partners to collectively ask what they can do about the lack of physical activity, increasing obesity levels and poor mental health among Hampshire’s population.
Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy

Guest speakers also included Mike Gaston, Principal and Chief Executive Officer for Havant and South Downs College, and Rachel Hawker, Director of Education at Rocksteady Music School. Rachel described how their role as educators puts them in a unique position to influence and encourage children and young people to engage in healthy activities and develop life-long skills to keep themselves well and cope with the ups and downs of life long into adulthood.