Hampshire County Council working in Partnership with the New Economics Foundation (NEF)

The economic impacts of Covid-19 in communities across the UK, including Hampshire, provide an opportunity for a much-needed revaluation of how our economy works. There is a growing realisation that pre-pandemic, our economy did not serve all parts of our society or environment. There is also a recognition that both climate change and Covid-19 disproportionately affect certain groups in our society. These challenges need to be tackled together, drawing on new thinking which will pave the way for a green economic recovery.

Hampshire County Council partnered with the New Economics Foundation (NEF) to find a compelling narrative which addresses the economic rationale for addressing climate change, gives clarity on key priorities in the current context, and identifies ambitious ideas for delivering this.

The partnership between Hampshire County Council and NEF is based on shared values and outcomes.

New Economics Foundation

For more than three decades, the NEF’s mission has been to transform the economy, so it works for people and the planet. They work with people igniting change from below and combine this with rigorous research to fight for change at the top.

NEF are guided by three missions:

A new social settlement - ensuring people are paid well, have more time off to spend with their families, and have access to the things we all need for a decent life.

A Green New Deal - a plan for government-led investment to reduce the carbon we emit and massively boost nature, while creating a new generation of jobs.

The democratic economy - to devolve state power and transform ownership of the economy, giving us all an equal stake in the places where we live and work.

Project objectives

  • Understanding what a green economic recovery means for Hampshire, using Hampshire 2050 as a starting point.
  • Articulate a direction of travel by identifying key areas which are critically important for a green economic recovery in the current context; and
  • Work with local partners to develop an action plan focusing on those critical areas.
  • Improve living standards rather than simply targeting GVA growth. GVA growth on its own is no guarantee that people in communities will be better off.
  • Support the creation of good, secure jobs. With expected rises in unemployment, and in particular youth unemployment, the creation of good jobs will be an important part of the needed response.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the County. Noting that industry and commerce are the biggest source in Hampshire.

To achieve these outcomes will require a different set of economic interventions, and strong local partnerships to deliver on their potential.


  • Review of current state of jobs and skills required for Green Economy.
  • Understanding the wider implications for economic recovery on all sectors of society – youth, deprivation etc.
  • Interviews with key stakeholders – within HCC, the Hampshire 2050 Partnership and some key figures
  • Identified skills as the single category for a deep dive analysis
  • Developing a Multi Criteria Assessment framework to be able to assess priority areas/actions through a H2050 survey

Briefing papers on a Green Economic Recovery for Hampshire (NEF):

The approach

The Approach chart

Phase 1 Defining a green economic recovery

January to February

  • Explore what a green economic recovery means for Hampshire, using Hampshire 2050 as a starting point
  • Assessing the state of play
  • Conducting 2-3 deep dive analysis e.g., Analysis of jobs and skills in sectors considered critical to a green economic recovery

Phase 2 Defining priority areas

February to March

  • Test with stakeholders the initial priorities identified in Phase 1
  • Analysis of initial priorities
  • Stakeholder roundtable to test priorities

Phase 3 Recovery Action Plan

March to May/June

  • Work with key local partners to develop a practical action plan focusing on those areas critical to a green economic
  • Review current Council powers to address the priority areas
  • Policy Labs- participatory process to develop action plans for priority areas