Dropped kerb application checklist

Things to consider before raising an application

Approval is valid for 12 months. Extensions of 3 months may be granted if construction has not been possible within this time.

Core pre-conditions

  1. Do you have sufficient room on your property to park a vehicle?
    Your application will be refused
    Room for parking guidance

    A minimum area of 4.8m deep x 2.4m wide within the property boundary must be allowed to enable a vehicle to park at right angles to the pavement. (Note: This is the minimum size required for private light goods (PLG) vehicles irrespective of applicants actual vehicle size).

    There must be no adjusting movements of a vehicle made on the highway when entering or exiting the property. If the width of your property is 7.2m or more and has a depth of 2.7m this restriction may not apply.

    You are not permitted to park any vehicles on the vehicle crossing therefore you must ensure there is sufficient room on your property so that the vehicle does not protrude over the footway/verge when parked.

    If you intend to fit gates these must open inwards and if parking in front of a garage with outward opening doors you will need to allow 6m depth.

    There will be no relaxations to these requirements.

  2. Is the location of the proposed access more than 10m (15m on a classified road) away from a junction, traffic signals or a roundabout?
    Your application will be refused
    Proposed access guidance

    A vehicle crossing will not be permitted if any part of it is within the radius kerb area, or within 10m (15m on a classified road) of a junction, traffic signals or roundabout, whichever is greater, under any circumstances for safety reasons.

    Distance thresholds for dropped kerb

  3. Will you be able to see pedestrians and vehicles well enough to drive out of the driveway without causing danger to either yourself or other highway users?
    Your application will be refused
    Visibility guidance

    The required visibility areas must be clear of obstructions, with any plants or structures (e.g. walls) kept below 600 mm so they do not obstruct lines of sight. If visibility does not comply with the 600mm requirement then the application may be rejected.

  4. Is the width of the proposed crossing within the acceptable size limits set out in the guidance below?
    Your application will be refused
    Width of crossing guidance

    A 4 x low kerb, 2 x sloping kerb installation represents the standard vehicle crossing configuration, although this may be increased where space and conditions allow, or decreased to 3 x low kerbs if needed. This equates to a total measurement along the kerb line of approximately 5.4 metres for the standard arrangement. Unless a specific reason exists this standard will be applied.

    An appropriate width dimension of 3.7m, at the rear edge of the crossing, would be expected, a minimum of 2.75m may be accepted.

  5. Is the area of the proposed crossing free of any parking restrictions, such as pedestrian crossing, disabled bay, pay and display, etc?
    It is unlikely that any of these restrictions will be removed or amended and therefore your application will most likely be refused
    Parking restrictions guidance

    It is unlikely your application will be affected by single or double yellow lines.

    Your application will also be refused if the Highway Authority consider the provision of a new access to have a detrimental effect on the availability of on street parking locally. 

  6. Is the area of the proposed crossing free of trees, shrubs or other planting features?
    It is likely your application will be refused. Generally, the removal of highway trees, shrubs or other planting feature will not be permitted
    Trees, shrubs and plants guidance

    Damage to trees can occur as a result of excavation near their roots. The root protection zone is defined by a circle of radius equal to 4 times the circumference of the tree trunk measured at a height of about 1.5 metres above ground level. If the proposed dropped kerb application falls within this zone the application will be refused.

    If in doubt regarding the impact of a vehicle crossing on a tree please contact us on 0300 5551388. Shrub beds and other planting features within the highway are unlikely to be removed to enable a vehicle crossing to be provided.

  7. Is your property free of a designated flood defence feature under the Flood Water Management Act 2010?
    A vehicle crossing will not be provided where such an access may undermine a flood defence. This is only likely to apply to properties located within a flood risk area


  1. Are you the owner of the property?
    Enclose all permission letters with your application
    Property ownership guidance

    If you are a tenant you will need to contact your landlord or housing association and get a letter confirming permission to proceed. You will also need to provide written permission from the landowner of any private land you may need to cross between your property and the highway.

  2. Is the proposed vehicle crossing on a classified road?
    Include proof of planning permission with your application
    Classified roads guidance

    Roads listed A, B or C are classified roads. If access is taken from a classified road you will need planning permission before we are able to approve a crossing. We recommend you contact your local planning authority to discuss further. Please note the local planning authority may make a charge for information.

    To check if your road is classified, see the maintained roads database.

    The standard requirement for any access onto a classified road is that the turning provision for a car must be provided within your private property. The vehicle should be able to leave the property in a forward gear.

    Planning Permission does not override the technical requirements of the crossing approval, and your application is likely to be refused if it is not compliant.

  3. Does the proposed site fall within any planning permission requirements?
    Include proof of planning permission with your application
    Planning permission guidance

    We recommend that you contact your local planning authority if your property falls into any of the following planning permission categories:

    1. you are constructing a hard standing using traditional impermeable materials (ie concrete)
    2. you are within a conservation area
    3. your property is a listed building
    4. your property is a multi-occupancy dwelling such as flats or maisonettes
    5. if the proposed vehicle crossing is not for the purpose of giving access only to the curtilage of a domestic dwelling house
    6. if permitted development rights have been removed from your property by the Local Planning Authority

    If you are not sure if your property falls into the above categories we recommend you contact your local planning authority to discuss further. The local planning authority may make a charge.

    It is important to note that you are responsible for ensuring you have the correct permissions prior to application. In the event of a vehicle access being installed that is subsequently found not to have the required permissions you will be responsible for arranging and paying for it to be reinstated to match the previous condition. Should this not occur, then the Highway Authority reserves the right to undertake this work and recharge the costs to you.

  4. Is there any covenant or restriction on parking a vehicle within the boundaries of your property?
    Parking restrictions guidance

    You must check the properties deeds to confirm if a restriction exists. (Such restrictions may also apply to caravans, boats and trailers etc.).

  5. Will an 'ordinary water course' need to be bridged or piped to enable vehicle access to the property?
    Under the terms of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 you will need separate consent from Hampshire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority. Further information on changing ordinary water courses and consent application form
    Ordinary watercourse guidance

    An ordinary watercourse is a watercourse that is not part of a main river. It includes rivers, streams, land and roadside ditches, drains, cuts, culverts, dikes, sluices, sewers (other than public sewers within the meaning of the Water Industry Act 1991) and passages, through which water flows.

Site suitability

  1. Is the area of the proposed crossing free of road signs, street lights, bus stops/shelters or any other street furniture?
    Where it is possible to do so, these will have to be moved and this will increase the cost of the works
  2. Is the area of the proposed crossing free of inspection chambers, cabinets, telegraph poles or other utility apparatus?
    The applicant is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary consents, licences or permissions from any third parties or other authorities having an interest in the works or apparatus prior to commencing their works
    Utilities access guidance

    Should your application be successful, arrangements with the utility companies will need to be made for any adjustment to their apparatus affected by the proposed crossing. Such works will significantly increase your overall cost.

    It is recommended that you make these enquiries with utility companies prior to applying for the vehicle crossing as in some circumstances the utility apparatus cannot be adjusted or moved.

  3. Is the area free of traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, pedestrian crossings, footway build-outs etc?
    Where it is possible to do so, these may have to be moved and this will increase the cost of the works
    Traffic calming guidance
    In Designated areas such as ‘Home Zones’ the traffic calming measures form a key design feature and cannot be removed or amended using Section 184 of the Highways Act. In these circumstances, your application will be refused.
  4. Is the area of the proposed crossing soft verge owned by highways?
    Your crossing will not be approved if the access is considered by Hampshire County Council to result in an unacceptable loss of amenity to the wider community due to loss of green areas, particularly in urban areas. Beyond their innate value as a community asset, these areas also play an important role in mitigating surface water runoff and may also provide an opportunity for future planting of highway trees or rewilding of verges in more rural areas. The identification of such verges requires an element of judgement on behalf of the Highway Authority. Decisions made in this regard are not to be reviewed on appeal, and the presence of other crossovers in similar locations is not a guarantee of acceptance due to changes in policy as we look to avoid further degradation of the verges.

Crossing details

  1. Do you wish to extend an existing crossing that is currently shared with your neighbour?
    Where two adjoining properties share a driveway and you wish to extend the crossing to serve both properties, one occupier should act on behalf of both properties
    Extending shared crossings guidance

    Where a new crossing would result in an extended run of dropped kerbs, for instance where it would link with others in the same road, this may be rejected where there is a potential risk to pedestrians or where it may lead to an unacceptable loss of on street parking.

  2. Are you applying for a second crossing to your property?
    Only one vehicle crossing will normally be approved into a property. A second access may only be approved in exceptional circumstances, this being where an applicant can demonstrate a significant benefit to highway safety. If you wish to move your existing crossing you will bear the costs of closing the existing access and restoring any footpath or verge to its original level
    Second crossings guidance

    Applications are processed on a case by case basis taking into consideration various factors (including local parking availability, parking restrictions, sightlines, road layout and pedestrian crossing points) when making decisions.

  3. Do you need to remove a boundary fence or wall to accommodate vehicle access to your property?
    It is essential for you to do so before the crossing is constructed. If you do not you will be responsible for supporting the footway and for the cost of repairing any damage.
  4. Do you need to undertake building or other works within your property?
    To prevent damage to the newly constructed vehicle crossing it is preferable that works to the parking area or other building works within the property or carried out prior to the construction of the crossing.
  5. Will loose material (e.g. gravel) be placed within 1m of the road or footway?
    Loose material must be retained within the property and not deposited on the highway as it will constitute a hazard to other road users. A hard paved strip within the property between the area of loose material and the highway can help reduce the amount of material moved out onto the highway by the vehicle
  6. Will surface water run off from your property to anywhere other than drains/soakaways within your property?
    The parking area within your property must be built so that water does not drain from it across the highway. Suitable drainage must be provided within the boundaries of your property
  7. Does the road or footway at the site of the proposed vehicle crossing have a high degree of camber or gradient? (no vehicle crossings will be approved if the gradient will exceed 1 in 12.)
    Cambers and gradients guidance

    A high degree of road camber or a considerably inclined vehicle crossing can create grounding issues for either of both the front and rear overhang of a vehicle. Local ground levels and gradients may put limitations on the type of vehicle that can use a given vehicle crossing installation. No vehicle crossings will be approved if the gradient will exceed 1 in 12

If you're happy you understand the charges and application process