Our service commitment

We are committed to listening to our customers, delivering the priorities that you have told us are important and so this forms the bedrock of our Customer Charter

We pledge that we will:

Deliver a service which impacts positively on your drive for school improvement

  • Ensure we understand your school context and its requirements in order to deliver your school priorities
  • Tailor our service to ensure we support you to achieve your objectives
  • Aim to consistently achieve good or excellent ratings for our casework support and other services

Identify your required outcomes and timescales at the outset

  • Explore your desired outcomes with you highlighting the HR implications
  • Agree the required timescales in order for you to achieve your objectives
  • Set and track milestones with you to help agreed timescales to be achieved
  • Ensure we deliver on these milestones and assist you to do the same where you request us to do so
  • Review progress and agree adjustments where necessary

Provide advice which is practical, flexible and includes a range of risk assessed options

  • Explore a range of options and explain their associated risks where appropriate
  • Help you to make an informed decision about these based on the needs of your school
  • Provide step by step advice through online resources where appropriate

Deliver a personalised service through dedicated named contacts

  • Provide you with access to a team of named specialist education
  • HR advisers who will work with your school
  • Allocate you named lead and deputy to support your specific casework needs
  • Allocate you named contacts for all other services
  • Offer a virtual induction meeting with other new Head teachers when you first start your headship
  • Get to know you and your school to help understand how you wish to work with us

Provide model policies and procedures that are compliant with current legislation

  • Provide you with up-to-date statutory and best practice model policies to adopt via our Manual of Personnel Practice
  • Tell you about changes through a variety of communication channels
  • Provide you with advanced notice of legislative changes and their potential impact
  • Alert you to unexpected changes as soon as practicable

Have a specialist team available to answer your queries through our Helpdesk

  • Operate school-dedicated Helpdesk where our team will be able to provide professional advice and support
  • Provide you with access to specialist education HR advisers who are professionally qualified
  • Respond to your enquiries through our various channels to the Helpdesk throughout the day

Seek your views and respond to your suggestions for improvement

  • Ask you for feedback in respect of the service we provide
  • Acknowledge any areas of dissatisfaction without unreasonable delay
  • Tell you about improvements we’ve made that will have a positive impact on you