Hampshire County Council Apprenticeship Programme

Opportunities for career-seekers, employees and employers at Hampshire County Council and beyond

Apprenticeships are an integral part of Hampshire County Council’s workforce strategy that enable us to ensure employees have the necessary skills and capability to perform their current and future roles, raise aspirations, and attract and retain talent to the workforce. Our aim is to provide high-quality apprenticeship opportunities, increase participation, drive high completion rates, and ensure our employees and the organisation benefit from new learning and skills developed in the workplace. We achieve this by proactively identifying apprenticeship opportunities, engaging with managers and employees, and raising awareness through communication activities.

Hampshire County Council’s aim is to maximise the availability of apprenticeship levy funding to invest in our workforce so we can continue to provide the best support to the people of Hampshire and the communities we serve.

Read more about Hampshire County Council’s initiative and strategies in our Annual Workforce Report.

Apprenticeship vacancies at Hampshire County Council

All Hampshire County Council apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on our Hampshire County Council New Job web page.

Participation and Lifelong Learning

Find out more about the Hampshire Futures Careers Service and internship opportunities.

Local and national apprenticeship opportunities

To find out more about apprenticeship vacancies locally and nationally visit Find an apprenticeship.

You can also view all apprenticeship vacancies locally and nationally, including degree apprenticeships, via UCAS.

The apprenticeship levy

The apprenticeship levy requires all employers within the UK, with an annual pay bill over £3 million to invest in apprenticeships. Hampshire County Council contributes 0.5% of our payroll into the Government levy for apprenticeships. The funds are then made available in a digital account that Hampshire County Council can access to pay for apprenticeship training and assessment.

The levy provides employers with the opportunity to develop apprenticeship programmes for new and existing employees.

Read more about the apprenticeship levy.

To find out more about apprenticeships in general, visit Amazing Apprenticeships

Maths and English

If you are interested in finding out more about Hampshire County Council’s maths and English offer, visit:

Functional Skills

Apprenticeship information for businesses

If you are a business looking for support with skills, skills boot camps, Multiply, Retrofit, Apprenticeships, or T Levels visit:

Access talent and skills in Hampshire
Skills Bootcamps

If you are a business interested in finding out more about how Hampshire County Council can support employers without access to levy funding with the Apprenticeship Funding for Business Transfer Scheme, email: [email protected]

Procurement of Apprenticeship Training Provision

Apprenticeships fall in scope of statutory procurement regulations and processes. Hampshire County Council utilises a range of procurement solutions including a Framework approach for the supply of apprenticeship provision. The spreadsheets below contain the commissioned value of apprenticeships awarded to Framework suppliers.

Framework for the Provision of Apprenticeship Training Providers:

CC11038: 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2022

CC18461: 1 September 2022 to 31 March 2024