Routes into business, finance and administration roles

Business Manager, Finance Officer, Administrative Officer

Schools are complex organisations and the levels of administrative support they require reflect this complexity. Roles range from front office to strategic senior management. It is not unusual for business managers to be members of the senior leadership team of the school. Administrative/Finance Officers in schools can have frequent contact with headteachers, governors, parents, teachers, school visitors and, of course, children. In addition to the excellent communication, IT, organisational and time management skills that are a prerequisite for any administrative/finance role, staff in these roles also need to be able to work flexibly and react to sudden changes of plan for their day.

These roles may be term time only or for 52 weeks and maybe offered on a full time or part time basis. This will depend on the nature of the role and the operational needs of the school in which it is based.

Routes into these roles

Whilst there are specialist qualifications for school business managers, which are usually taken after appointment, schools will be looking for good all round IT skills and a proven track record of effective practice in a busy office environment. Schools often use specialised software relating to the unique nature of their work and training is usually provided for this.

If you are unsure of the level of post being offered, or your suitability for it, most schools would be very happy for you to telephone them to discuss the vacancy prior to applying.