Important notice
Please be aware that any care home placements that commence from May 13th will be under Hampshire County Council’s Care Home Framework. If you have been advised to look at this site before this date it will be because the date a placement begins will be on or after May 13th, and therefore the information on this site is relevant and important to you/your loved one.
About the Framework
The Care Home Framework is the way in which Hampshire County Council buys its residential and nursing services. It allows for collaborative working between the County Council and the residential and nursing care market, looking to drive innovative ideas to help people to live long healthy and happy lives, whilst maintaining their own independence.
The Framework itself is an overarching contract with the organisation who is registered to deliver care with the CQC. The County Council will then open a number of different contracts that will only be available for providers who have signed up and been accepted onto the Framework to apply for. We call these 'call-offs'. The first call-off contract from the Framework is for the delivery of long-term residential and nursing services.
How does Hampshire County Council purchase residential and nursing services?
Hampshire County Council will purchase most residential and nursing services through the Care Home Framework. The Care Home Framework is open to all residential and nursing services registered within the Hampshire Local Authority administrative area as well as those within a 25-mile radius of the border.
What are the benefits of becoming one of the care providers on our Care Home Framework?
There are a number of benefits of becoming a residential or nursing care provider registered on our Care Home Framework. These include:
- access to appropriate long-term residential and nursing referrals that are sourced by Hampshire County Council
- contact with the Hampshire County Council Commissioning team who will provide you with support for contractual monitoring arrangements
- a guaranteed uplift each year
- access to discounted training rates and exclusive content through the Hampshire County Council Impact Adult Care Training service
How do I become a care provider on the Care Home Framework?
Providing you meet our criteria, you can sign up to deliver residential and nursing services via In-tend using the reference AS15180. Acceptance will be subject to your responses and appropriate due diligence by Hampshire County Council as required.
Once you have been accepted as a Care Home Framework provider, you will be able to apply for any contract published under the Framework. The first contract we have opened for applications is for the delivery of long-term residential and nursing care. Once accepted onto the Framework, you will be attached to this contract and can find the information you need under 'My tenders' reference AS15180A.
You can find more information about becoming a provider in our Information Pack.
What are the visions and principles of the Care Home Framework?
- To ensure that the Care Home Framework supports the right service for the right person at the right time.
- To provide safe and appropriate care home services for Hampshire residents when they require it.
- That Hampshire care home residents are supported to live meaningful lives and are considered and embraced as part of their local community.
- That Hampshire care home residents are supported through an individualised, person-centred, strengths-based approach, that ensures positive outcomes for individuals who need our services.
- To work with a proportionate and sufficient group of providers who we can build positive and consistent relationships with.
- To work to a tiered system. Tier 1 providers will be Hampshire County Council’s care homes and Tier 2 will be Framework providers. Placements will only be made outside of Tier 1 or Tier 2 by exception.
- To ensure that no individual moves to a long-term service without the opportunity to improve, engage and be part of a personal assessment within a short-term service.
- To offer a standardised, fair, supportive and transparent offer to the market whilst securing consistent and predictable costs.
- To implement a commercial arrangement that can grow and flex with our needs.
- To ensure Hampshire County Council is easy to do business with, helping to reduce resource pressures on County Council teams.
- To ensure specific, defined and measurable service standards that we can hold each other accountable for.