people walking in the woods

Professional Partners

Getting older is something to be celebrated, with better health care and medicine we can live longer. There is a greater understanding of the impact that healthy lifestyles at all ages can have on our health and wellbeing later in life.

This short animation shows our changing and ageing population structure from the first census in 1861 to the population reported in census 2021. The solid bars represent the Hampshire population, and the lines show England and Wales population for comparison.

Staying well, and being physically and mentally active are key things we can do to influence and ensure we age healthily. It is never too early or too late to start improving our health. Action at any stage of life can support us to Live Longer Better.

The mission

We want everyone to enjoy their later life to its full, so have joined the national revolution to Live Longer Better.

Live Longer Better harnesses the best possible intervention: physical activity. No matter what age we are, or how many health concerns we have, we can take simple steps to stay as mobile and independent as possible, so we can all live longer better.

But to do that we need to radically change how we think.

Our culture

To Live Longer Better we need to shift the way we think about getting older. It’s not uncommon for us to see the media portray older people as frail and in need of help. This can make us believe this is an inevitable part of getting older.

The good news? It doesn’t have to be that way. What we do now can shape the next 10 years of our lives and beyond.

As we get older, we can develop a greater sense of purpose and wellbeing. Our diverse life experience, skills and perspective mean we all have much to contribute and look forward to through later life.

The evidence

There is strong evidence to suggest many major causes of disability and dependency can be prevented or delayed. This means we can increase our active and independent years with our family and community.

There are of course conditions that we can’t prevent, but we can reduce our risk of developing some as we get older or learn ways to live better with them.

Join the Live Longer Better revolution today!

We would love you to become an ambassador for Live Longer Better within your workplace.

There are a range of ways you can provide support. You could promote ways to encourage Hampshire residents to become more active, challenge ageism within your organisation, spread the word or lead the way through a Community of Practice.

Programme of learning button
Community of practice button
library of resources button

Programme of Learning

The Live Longer Better learning programme with Sir Muir Gray helps us to target the three key areas of ageing:

  1. Fitness
  2. Disease
  3. Attitudes

Combatting these three areas helps to prevent or delay the onset of conditions which lead to needing health and social care. Join the programme today to enter your group learning session with other professionals supporting their local Live Longer Better programme.

Contact us

Community of Practice - We can’t be the change alone

Hampshire is a large geographical area and diverse in its nature. We are supporting communities of practice to identify key projects to help their local older population Live Longer Better.


Leaders of a Community of Practice are encouraged to take part in the Live Longer Better national programme of learning, which underpins the principles of the revolution.


Recruit local stakeholders to help identify priority areas and design a plan to work together to help local residents get more active. We have developed a framework of priority areas across Hampshire that you may wish to consider.


Work with your local stakeholders to deliver your action plan.

Find out if there is a community of practice in your area already. If there isn’t, you can lead your local revolution.

Contact us here to find out more

You can also sign up to our regular Live Longer Better newsletter which includes stories, resources and ideas for professionals.

Sign up to our newsletter

Library of resources and evidence

National training and conferences

Upcoming national events - events are normally on a quarterly basis and will be advertised here when booking is available.

Local training and conferences

Local social marketing campaign resources

Challenging Ageism

What works - helping older people to move more

Local Insights

Other resources