Health and Safety

Health and safety information for your visit

At Minstead Study Centre, we are conscious of the great responsibility we bear for the wellbeing of the thousands of children who visit us.


At night, visiting teachers are given the keys to the buildings and shown the locking up procedure. Once the accommodation block is locked no visitors are able to enter, though there are interior twist locks for emergency exits.

The grounds of the Centre are securely fenced with locked external gates. The grounds are a safe and secure place in which children can play take part in our activities.


The Centre maintains a comprehensive fire risk assessment to ensure that we maintain the highest standards of fire safety. All residential school visitors complete a fire drill on the first day of their visit.

Our main accommodation block is covered by a sprinkler system and all buildings have a modern and extremely sensitive fire alarm system.

Risk assessment

During their stay, children will complete a wide range of activities, all of which have been comprehensively assessed for the likelihood of an accident and its potential severity. We aim to minimise all identified risks and yet allow visitors the freedom to safely explore the outdoor environment.

All activities are planned by experienced and trained members of staff. Any visiting leaders asked to lead an activity will be fully briefed and made aware of relevant health and safety issues.


Our comprehensive policies ensure that all staff and volunteers at the Centre undergo an enhanced level DBS check before being cleared to work. As Hampshire County Council Children's Services staff, the Centre team are also all trained in safeguarding.


The Centre is covered by Hampshire County Council insurance which includes public liability to a level of £50 million. This does not include personal accident cover or loss of personal effects or money.

Group leaders are advised to seek advice on taking out an additional school journey insurance cover.

First aid and emergency support

All residential children groups bring an adult who is able to take on the role of 'first aider'. In addition to this, the Centre has staff trained as first-aiders who would be happy to help in a first aid situation, but we don’t provide this support overnight.

During the daytime, a number of Centre staff are normally on-site, and will be available to assist in case of emergency. Overnight, teachers are left with a list of emergency contact numbers, including those for on-call Centre staff.

Contact details

Contact the Minstead Study Centre office team to check for available dates and relevant pricing, or for any further information:

Contact us

If you do wish to make a booking, our office staff will be happy to take a provisional booking over the phone.