Adoption myths busted

adoption myths busted logo

There are some old-fashioned myths that might be preventing you from starting your adoption journey. So, let’s give you the facts.

adoption myths busted logo
Picture of a bundle of cash notes
  • We don't ask for savings in the bank
  • You can be running your home month to month
Image of a sofa with cushions and coffee table
  • You can live in a flat, bungalow or house
  • Your home can be mortgaged, shared ownership, rented, council or housing association
Icon of a hand holding two coins

Financial support is available

You may be eligible for nursery vouchers, child benefit, Universal Credit, pupil premium, family start-up costs and stay at home funding*

Image of a large group of diverse family groups

Single or couples, our families are from lots of different backgrounds faiths and cultures

Image of a large group of diverse family groups

All shapes and sizes adopt and there’s no age limit – it's your caring personality and thoughtfulness that matters most

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We approve adopters faster than any other adoption agency**

Adopt South is inclusive and dedicated to supporting you

Our friendly experienced team are here to help guide you through the adoption process. All our families receive comprehensive adoption support and opportunities to meet our adoption community of over 100+ families in our region.

Still have questions?

Visit our FAQs or speak to us to find out how we can get you started on
your adoption journey.

One conversation with you, could change a child’s life forever

* Financial support from our local authority partners may be available to you – we will help you access funding where we can.
** ASG data 2022/2023