The Hampshire PSHE Pledge

The evidence shows...

That personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, when delivered by trained teachers in line with best practice, helps children and young people to protect themselves and others both online and offline, improves their physical and emotional health, and creates the conditions for better attainment (especially for those experiencing health or educational inequalities). [1]

You said, we did...

We know from surveys and self-reflection tools that settings need support with the delivery of PSHE, rather than content, for example choosing resources and providers, fitting all the topics in, and building partnerships with parents and carers.

What is the PSHE pledge?

The PSHE Pledge defines best practice for the delivery of personal, social, health, economic, relationships and sex education. It sets the standard for education settings, Children’s Services, and Public Health to strive towards, to make PSHE the best it can be in Hampshire.

When you commit to the PSHE Pledge...

You showcase to children and young people, parents and carers, and staff your dedication to developing and valuing the quality of PSHE, both within the curriculum and beyond.

When your school commits to the PSHE pledge, you will get:

  • Free pledge posters and stickers to display in your setting
  • Opportunities to network with other Pledge schools
  • Ongoing access to our training and resources

The only commitment required from you is to make the Pledge visible in your setting, to draw on us and our network of partners for support, and to share your ideas and good practice as we work towards achieving the Pledge.

If you’d like to commit to the PSHE Pledge, simply click below and get in touch.

Commit to the Pledge

The PSHE Pledge

Our school commits to:

A PSHE curriculum that:

  • covers all aspects of PSHE in every year group, in an age-appropriate way that builds over time, in complexity and understanding, and matches real-life experience.
  • is preventative – anticipates and prevents, rather than reacting.
  • enables pupils to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future.
  • is available to parents/carers, as well as providing resources enabling families to have conversations at home.

Teaching in the classroom which recognises that PSHE is a skills-based subject, as well as knowledge-based, requiring dialogue and participation over the presentation of information. Our setting uses suitable teaching practices that involve:

  • Dedicated learning time – discrete, timetabled lessons (ideally with consistent staff) – protected at all times of year, including exams
  • Dialogue – ongoing discussion between teachers and learners
  • Reflection
  • Reasoning
  • Working collectively on problems or to reach solutions – social, everyday commonsense, perspectives, overcoming misunderstanding
  • Purposefulness and relevance to children and young people’s lives
  • Openness - non-judgmental and supportive

Training staff to deliver PSHE, recognising that teaching PSHE requires specific knowledge, skills and resources (e.g. protected time, supervision). We give staff the opportunity to connect with others, including PSHE networks, seek guidance and expertise, and have access to the main sources of health information e.g. Hampshire Health in Education and HIAS. PSHE teachers are valued within their settings and by senior leaders.

A setting that has an ethos and culture that actively values PSHE and reflects the content of the lessons e.g. wellbeing, openness, inclusivity, relevance, empowerment, enjoyment, trauma-informed, respect and rights-based.

Sign up to our newsletter

By signing up to the Hampshire Health in Education newsletter you’ll have access to an ever-evolving collection of training, resources and guidance to support you in embedding health and wellbeing across your whole setting.

Sign up

[1]. Department for Education: Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education: a review of impact and effective practice March 2015

Pledge partners

Hampshire Health in Education - One-stop-shop of support to implement a whole settings approach, with free resources and training across all health topics, from early years to post-16.

Hampshire Improvement and Advisory Service - The go-to for school improvement and teaching and learning support, including networks and newsletters.

No Limits - Free workshops and face-to-face training on smoking and vaping for education staff.

Smokefree Me - Free lesson plans, resources, and policy templates on smoking and vaping.

Let’s Talk About It (Solent NHS Trust) - Free RSE and sexuality training, resources, and support to become a Get it On condom distribution venue.