Ready for School

Children who do not achieve a good level of development by the age of five will often struggle with reading, maths, social and physical skills, leading to long term impacts on their educational attainment and health. School readiness is a measure of how prepared a child is to succeed in school cognitively, socially and emotionally. PACEY describes this as having strong social skills, the ability to cope emotionally with separation from parents, being relatively independent in their own personal care, to be curious about the world and have a desire to learn.

It is a Public Health England priority to ensure that every child has the best start in life: being ready to learn at age two and ready for school at age five.

National Guidance

Improving school readiness: initiatives across the South East a Public Health England SE report mapping initiatives to improve children's school readiness

Improving the Home Learning Environment guide by the Department of Education and National Literacy Trust

Explore Public Health England’s data on school readiness in Hampshire

Advice and resources

Ready, Steady, School leaflet from Hampshire County Council (this is available in multiple languages)

Register your child for school via the applications page

Hampshire Healthy Families School Readiness workshops and courses provide the skills and tools for families to prepare for school, and are suitable for those with children aged 3+.

Hungry Little Minds is a resource full of ideas and activities for parents of 0-5 year olds to help them learn and discover the world. This will prepare them for starting school.
