Countryside customer charter
Our commitment to you
We will:
- always let you know the name of the person you are dealing with
- treat you with respect and courtesy, listen to your comments and suggestions and respond to them either in person or by writing to you
- ensure we meet all relevant Health and Safety guidance
- wherever possible, meet any specific needs customers with disabilities may have
- use your feedback to make improvements
We aim to:
- acknowledge all enquiries within 2 working days
- make sure our sites and parks meet national and international standards (e.g. Green Flag)
- make our parks accessible to all members of the community
- include sustainable options when we commission goods and deliver our services
- ensure public rights of way are maintained to a usable standard
- ensure that signage, gates and fencing are maintained to a good standard
We ask you to:
- follow the Countryside Code at all times
- treat our staff and volunteers with courtesy and respect
- take your litter home with you or use the bins provided
- let us know when you’ve received great service from us – and let us know when you haven’t
- respect other visitors
- treat our animals with respect and follow the on site guidelines