Safety in the countryside

While the countryside is a wonderful place, there are things to be aware of to make sure you stay safe.

Have a look at our guidelines to stay safe, and to know what to do in case of emergencies. With millions of visitors to the countryside each year, we maintain the countryside for you to explore and enjoy. We look after a wide range of habitats - from saltmarshes and heathland to woodland and grassland. Our country parks have numerous recreational facilities which we build and manage – walking and mountain bike trails, adventure play areas and toilet facilities.

a woman walking through a field of long grass


Sometimes we must close areas to the public due to extreme weather, tree works, path building and large events. Visit our Severe Weather page for more details. Follow the health and safety signage and diverted routes.

Weather warnings

Before heading out to enjoy the great outdoors, make sure to check the weather forecast and keep an eye out for any weather warnings. Dependent on the season, you should also plan for any extreme weather that may happen.

Environment Agency Floodline: call 0345 988 1188 or check the website for flood warnings.


Ticks are small spider-like animals, which can be the cause of a range of moderate to severe health issue. It is important to check yourself, your family, and your animals after you have visited the countryside.

Tree felling

Where a significantly hazardous branch is identified it will be removed or reduced to a safe point. Contact the site manager if you have an issue with a tree at one of our countryside sites.

Canoeing, boating and watersports

While enjoying activities out on the water can be an excellent way to add a splash of excitement to your day, it’s important that you’re aware of ways to keep safe while you’re not on land.

Here are our top tips for water safety:

  • if you find yourself unexpectedly in the water, float to increase your chances of survival
  • if you see someone else in trouble, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard
  • for site-specific water safety and emergency contact information, refer to the country park’s website before you go

For more information about how to keep yourself safe in and on the water, check out the RNLI’s advice on cold water shock and rip currents.

Our partners at Bird Aware Solent can help with how to protect wildlife while out on the water.

People canoeing and paddleboarding