The dragon of Butser Hill

A short history of Butser Hill National Nature Reserve

Butser Hill National Nature Reserve lies within the Queen Elizabeth Country Park. It comprises 231 hectares of calcareous grassland, yew woodland, scattered scrub, semi-ancient broadleaved woodland and chalk heath.

There have been sightings of over 30 species of butterflies in the area. There is also over 200 different recorded species of lichen and bryophytes in the chalk grassland. Butser Hill dominates the area, being the highest point in the South Downs. It is of great historical importance and an area designated as a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

The area became a settlement during Neolithic, Bronze age and Iron Age periods. Evidence of ancient field systems and Bronze age round barrows are still present.


    • Route
    • Temporarily closed
    • Restricted use


Go through the gate from the car park.

Follow the path, keeping the fence to the left.

Go along the path then follow the path that moves away from the fence.

Turn right and follow the path keeping the tower to your right.

Carry on back to the start point.