Kingsley Common trail

A short history of Kingsley Parish

The parish of Kingsley stretches from Frith End and Alice Holt Forest in the north-east to Shortheath Common and Binswood in the south-west. Kingsley derives its name from the King’s Lea, a meadow or pasture.

At one time the village formed the clearing which lay between the Alice Holt and Woolmer Forests. Both these forests were hunting grounds of the kings. The original settlement was at the western end of the village. Here you can find the medieval church of Nicholas and the Tudor timber-framed Lode Farm.

Sandy heathlands and a wide and varied agricultural countryside provide a beautiful setting for this small village.


    • Route
    • Temporarily closed
    • Restricted use


Kingsley Common is a small, safe, and well-defined area. This route, which will take about an hour, follows the footpaths and tracks around the edge of the Common.

The sandy soil means that in all but the wettest weather the paths are easy to use. There is one downhill slope but otherwise the route taken is gently undulating. It follows the track between Kingsley Pond and The Cricketers Inn. The trail passes alongside Oxney Stream to Coldharbour and then returns over the heathland to the car parking area.

There are several benches both around the pond and also on the Village Green. A large open space in the centre of the Common is locally known as The Cricket Pitch.

Kingsley Common is a very important lowland heathland site, a Site of Special Scientific Interest,. It is home to many rare animals, plants and birds such as the Dartford warbler