New Milton walk 3
A short history of the New Milton area
The New Milton area is alive with wildlife. There is a wide range of habitats, from heathland to farmland and from cliff-top to sandy beaches. These all support a variety of plants and animals.
In the farm hedgerows and heathland you may see linnets and yellowhammers. These seed-eating birds rely on ‘weeds’ once common in arable fields, are now seen in fewer numbers due to modern farming methods.
Peregrine falcons nest on cliffs and may be seen swooping and soaring in coastal areas. The cliffs themselves are a significant feature. They have been designated as ‘Site of Special Scientific Interest’.
Thrift, or sea pink, grows in tufts on the cliff top, its tall, slender stalks supporting lots of small, light pink flowers. Its narrow leaves reduce the loss of fresh water in these tough conditions.
- Route
- Temporarily closed
- Restricted use
Starting at Tadiford Gap car park turn right on the Milford Road and in 20 yards cross the road to the steps going down the bank to footpath signpost. Through the kissing gate and across the field to the footbridge. Cross the bridge and continue on the same line until the ground starts to rise. At this point the path swings left and heads for the top corner of the wood and a metal kissing gate.
Go through the gate and along the footpath with the fence on the right. At the next kissing gate turn right and walk along the field edge, again keeping the fence on your right. This changes to a gravel track until it reaches a gate and stile leading onto Shorefield Lane. Turn left along the lane and walk up to the pub. Turn left along the main road past the garage, houses etc. until reaching a field on the left. The footpath sign is just a few yards down the road indicating the footpath across the field.
Usually well defined it makes for the corner of the wood opposite. The path goes downhill just inside the edge of the wood to a footbridge over the Danestream. Up the rise on the far side surrounded by Rhododendron bushes. These soon give way to a more open footpath between trees.
On reaching a gravel track go straight ahead until reaching the B3058 Milford Road. Cross the road to a wooden kissing gate, this leads between ponds to a small footbridge. Turn left on a gravel path and in approximately 20 yards the path swings right between marker posts.
This path is clearly marked right across the golf course. It reaches the coast path through a wooden walk through stile. Turn left along the cliff path and at the bottom of the first dip take the footpath on the left. Straight ahead on this gravel track to reach the car park, your starting point.