Travellers and Showmen

By providing a range of services to support schools, Hampshire EMTAS works to improve access to, and engagement and participation in, education of Traveller children, young people, parents and carers

EMTAS Study into the use of the T Code

Published in March 2017, this longitudinal study looks at the use of the T code by schools to record pupil absence. It offers guidance on the correct use of the T code and includes recommendations for schools with Traveller pupils on roll who travel with their families for economic purposes during term time.

FAQs about Traveller Children in Hampshire schools

This publication was written for education, teaching and support staff who work with children of Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater (GTRSB) heritages and comprises frequently asked questions about Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

Roma Children and Families in Hampshire

EMTAS has produced a document comprising FAQ in relation to Roma children and families in Hampshire schools.

Research into Roma communities

Marc Penfold’s research paper Improving educational outcomes for pupils from the new Roma communities is published on the British Council EAL Nexus website.