About Hampshire Music Service
Our commitment is for every child to engage, be empowered by and have the opportunity to excel through making music
Our Vision
Hampshire Music Education Hub (HMEH) believes that the children, young people, and communities of Hampshire regardless of their background should have every opportunity to enjoy being part of strong, inclusive, creative, cultural communities.
By championing equality, diversity and inclusion throughout HMEH and every element of work we undertake across music, the arts and mental health and wellbeing, we recognise how this helps to make life better for everyone and secure positive outcomes.
To help us achieve this, we must work closely with our partners including schools, arts and culture organisations (professional and community based), professional musicians and county council strategic partners. We all recognise that we have a significant role to play in leading the way, valuing the unique and lived experiences and different voices in our communities and ensuring that we provide high quality music and arts education for all.
As a hub, our commitment is to understand any potential barriers and challenges and find ways to change and adapt so no child or young person is unable to experience opportunity and/or access a range of varying progression routes. See our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy and find out more about why being an inclusive organisation matters to us.
HMEH Strategy for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Updated January 2023
What we do
Hampshire Music Service is one of the largest music services in the country. We provide a music education service to Hampshire schools and colleges.
We promote high quality learning opportunities, at school and beyond the school day, through:
- small group instrumental and vocal tuition in schools
- class music teaching
- Instrument hire scheme
- area and county youth ensembles
- support for teaching staff
- workshops and large-scale projects
- Listen2Me – a programme for all primary school children
Service Level Agreement
Local Authority maintained schools subscribe through a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Other schools and colleges can subscribe through a formal contract. We work with schools through a management partnership arrangement. HMS managers meet with representative headteachers to review the work of HMS and discuss future arrangements.
The current SLA operates from April 2022 onwards and provides a full description of our services.
The Listen2Me project, is supported by Government Standards Fund. The use of this funding in Hampshire has been praised by OfSTED and through our Best Value Review.
Hampshire Music Service has been the Lead Partner of the Hampshire Music Education Hub since September 2012. We are also a member of Music Mark which aims to be a national voice for its member services and the vast majority of music services are now members.
Hampshire Music Service is also affiliated to, or subscribes to, the following organisations and publications:
- Arts & Business (A&B)
- British Association of Symphonic Bands and Wind Ensembles (BASBWE)
- British Federation of Young Choirs (BFYC)
- Music Education Yearbook
- National Association of Youth Orchestras (NAYO)
HMS is represented at area and national meetings of the National Association of Music Educators and Music Mark.