Hampshire Music Service aims to ensure there are good communication channels between the secondary and sixth form sectors, to benefit both students and staff.
We are continuing to expand our provision of instrumental teaching in Hampshire colleges. We have some long established partnerships in place and will consider new requests. See our secondary opportunities for examples of how you can enrich music learning at your college.
Also available to you:
- The half-termly secondary music newsletter. Email [email protected] to be added to the distribution list
- Annual secondary music conference or other relevant courses
- We support A Level music panel meetings and provide updates on issues from secondary schools affecting sixth form colleges
- Representatives of sixth forms are welcome to attend their local secondary music area panel. Contact us for details of local organisers and events
There is support for outstanding young composers through:
- Hub Scholars for Composition programme
Make sure students are aware of this opportunity - Martin Read Foundation - ensuring that this charity's important work is promoted and linked to other local opportunities