Contact us about the Firefighters Pension Scheme

Hampshire and Isle of Wight and West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service

Your employer’s payroll provider contact details

Contact the IBC Pensions Admin Team

Via ESS by raising an IBC query

IBC Pensions Admin Team
IBC Shared Services
EII Court East
Hampshire County Council
The Castle
SO23 8UB

West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
Hampshire Pension Services

To help with your query, have your National Insurance number or payroll number available. Ensure all correspondence includes your full name, signature and either your pension payroll number or National Insurance number.

Contact Hampshire Pension Services

If you have a query then the most secure way to contact us is to send a message via our Member Portal.

You can also:

Pension Services
Hampshire County Council
The Castle
SO23 8UB

Opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm
  • Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
  • Closed at weekends and public holidays