Botley Wood Local Nature Reserve

An extensive area of varied woodland, scrub and grassland with rides and ancient droveways. The woods are of exceptional importance for wildlife

botley wood

About the site

Botley Wood is a 108 hectare woodland in the heart of South Hampshire. Formally a wetland and coppiced woodland, Botley boasts a rich variety of scarce plants and animals. These species relate to this habitat history.

The woodland is now comprised of plantation stands of conifer. It is the areas between these that harbour most of the species of interest. The network of tracks, ditches and trails are home to many scarce species of plant. An array of insects including rare butterflies such as the Purple Emperor can be spotted.

The site is managed to maintain and enhance these open areas. Over time the conifer stands will be harvested and natural regeneration of native woodlands encouraged. This will further enhance Botley Wood as a high value conservation area.

Contact us

South Area Office, Ranger Depot, Pylands Lane, Southampton SO31 1BH

Phone 023 8040 2534