Silchester tour

A brief description of the walk

A route with gentle gradients and kissing gates over fields. Following parts of the Roman wall and earth works of Calleva Atrebatum.


    • Route
    • Temporarily closed
    • Restricted use


From Silchester Roman Town car park, the footpath starts by the information pillars. Keeping the trees and ancient earthworks to your left, continue through the gate until the path meets the larger track. Turn right for 100m until you reach several gates.

Take the kissing gate adjoining the large metal gate into the field and keeping the fence to your left continue through two more gates. Turn diagonally right across the field, passing through another gate, into a small wood with ancient earthworks. Go through the kissing gate and emerge into a field.

Go straight down the field, keeping the woods on your right, to another kissing gate. Here turn left to the double gates, pass through the kissing gate onto the road. Turn left, then first right through another kissing gate. Keeping the field’s edge on your right, continue through four gates and across the lane. Continue through three more gates, into a field where after 20m the hedge turns right. At this point, turn diagonally across the middle of the field to the far hedge, turning left along the stream and through a gate. Cut straight across this field to the fence.

Turn left and follow the fence to the gate in the far corner and continue straight up to the track. At the bend, go straight on across the field to the trees. Here turn right for 15m, then left through a small wood.

Go straight across the field towards the Church and onto the road. Visit St. Mary’s Church then return to the road, turn left to the Roman amphitheatre. On leaving, turn right along the road until you are able to turn left through two gates and then right along the top of the wall to a kissing gate. Once through the gate, follow the path back to the car park.