Becoming a co-opted Independent Member of the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel

The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Police and Crime Panel is seeking committed and enthusiastic individuals from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to serve as co-opted independent members.

Being an independent co-opted member of the Police and Crime Panel is an exciting opportunity to get involved in and make suggestions for improvement to policing, community safety and crime issues across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

The elected Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is required to consult with the Panel on their plans for policing, as well as the level of council tax precept and, when necessary, the appointment of a Chief Constable. The Panel also maintain a regular check and balance on the performance of the Commissioner, including the responsibility to review non-criminal complaints made against them. Therefore, the ability to be decisive and make well informed, objective judgements is essential.

The role of a Panel Member is an important and demanding one. Members are expected to hold high standards of personal integrity at all times and to be respectful of others. The commitment required from a co-opted independent Panel Member will depend upon the work programme approved by the Panel, but typically might average one day a month, including preparation time. Meetings will generally be held during normal office hours and are generally held in Winchester but may also be held at varying locations throughout the Hampshire and Isle of Wight policing area. Panel members will be able to claim reasonable travelling expenses and an allowance and will receive an induction and other appropriate training.

Those interested in joining the Panel should have a keen interest in police and crime standards and community safety, the ability to be analytical and have the confidence to scrutinise and offer constructive challenge. The Panel wishes to reflect the breadth of communities in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and welcomes interest from anyone eligible to be considered and applications from people with experience (in a paid or unpaid role) in community safety, victim support, criminal justice and related issues are particularly welcomed.

The closing date for applications is 6pm on 11 December 2023. Interviews will be held on 4 January 2024.

For further information about this role and the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel please contact [email protected] or call 0370 779 6176.

The Panel will ensure that any personal or sensitive information given to them will be treated in the strictest confidence. The Panel will always abide by the Data Protection Act 1998 and its eight principles and will not keep your information longer than necessary. We will only share your personal information when we are permitted to or are required to by law or we have your consent to do so as required by the Data Protection Act.

Key Documents should you wish to apply:

Police and Crime Panel Independent Member – Information Booklet for Candidates

Police and Crime Panel Independent Member – Application Form