Victims and Witnesses (April 2015)
Pro-active Scrutiny 2014 to 2015
This report concludes and makes recommendations on the topic of ‘victims and witnesses’, where Members reviewed the actions of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in his pledge to “introduce a multi-agency Victims & Witnesses forum” with the aim of “establishing a joined up approach to improving the experience of all victims and witnesses across the criminal justice system”.
The Police and Crime Panel found, that there are a wide range of services and organisations currently in operation across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, focused on providing support to victims as they journey through the Criminal Justice System. However, there is little evidence to suggest that the same level of service is available to meet the specific needs of witnesses. The Panel have identified opportunities for the Commissioner to encourage greater sharing of information and best practice between criminal justice service agencies, as well as for victims and witnesses to have more direct and timely access to information.