Delivery Against Police and Crime Plan (March 2016)
Pro-active Scrutiny 2015 to 2016
Members of the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel reviewed the evidence received in relation to their review of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (Simon Hayes) delivery against his Police and Crime Plan during his term in office. This review considered the overall progress made against the four strategic priorities which were defined by the PCC within his Police and Crime Plan and further sought feedback on how the PCC has engaged partner agencies, key stakeholder groups and members of the public in the delivery of these objectives
In summary, the Panel observed that the overwhelming majority of responses that were received to this scrutiny reflected positively on the progress the Commissioner and his office have made in delivering against the objectives defined by the Commissioner within his Police and Crime Plan. In particular the Panel noted that the evidence strongly demonstrated efforts that had been made by the Commissioner to encourage, facilitate and foster multi-agency working and to engage with younger members of the community as part of the ‘social change agenda’.