Anti-social Behaviour (January 2016)
Pro-active Scrutiny 2015 to 2016
This report concludes and makes recommendations upon the topic of ‘anti-social behaviour’, where Members reviewed the actions of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire in his aim, under priority three of the Police and Crime Plan, to support, scrutinise, and challenge partners across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to ‘work together to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour’ in the community and to implement ‘a geographically targeted and coordinated campaign to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in their most deprived/vulnerable areas’. Additionally, this report considers how the PCC is engaging partners across the two counties in the use of the Community Remedy Menu.
Evidence received by the Panel has praised efforts made by the Commissioner and his office to encourage and facilitate a holistic multi-agency approach in tackling and preventing ASB across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. In particular, through the introduction of his Alliance meetings, the Commissioner has created forums within which information and best practice can be shared enabling a joined-up approach at both strategic and operational levels. This report makes recommendations which aim to encourage greater cross-district working, where benefits can be identified, with particular focus on those areas where higher deprivation is present.