Youth Offending (January 2015)
Pro-active Scrutiny 2014 to 2015
This report concludes and makes recommendations upon the topic of ‘youth offending’, where Members reviewed the actions of the Commissioner in his aim to have ‘fewer young people entering the criminal justice system’.
The Panel found through a mix of written and oral evidence that whilst there are a broad range of schemes and programmes currently in place across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to prevent and reduce youth offending, there are gaps in the current provision, and suggest that evaluation of those schemes and programmes funded by the Commissioner, as well as a review of the spread of funds would better inform a pan-Hampshire and IOW approach in the delivery of services. Additionally, the Panel identified an opportunity to better engage young role models in volunteering activities within their own communities and makes recommendation to the Commissioner on Restorative Justice services as well as commissioning of services which provide greater access to information on life skills and employability.