Hampshire Record Series

Sir Henry Whithed's Letter Book, Volume 1, 1601-1614

Edited by the staff of Hampshire Record Office (1976); 127 pages

Letter book of Henry Whithed, a justice of the peace, under-sheriff and high sheriff of Hampshire in the early 17th century, containing Privy Council and Quarter Sessions orders and correspondence and illustrating the nature and methods of early 17th-century local government. Matters dealt with include invasion threats, plague, Lent fasting, licensing of innkeepers and the repair of the Great Hall, Winchester.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Register of the Common Seal of the Priory of St Swithun, Winchester, 1345-1497

By Joan Greatrex (1978); 312 pages

Medieval Winchester Cathedral Priory register containing deeds and documents sealed under the priory’s ‘common seal’. As well as dealing with monastic and cathedral matters, it includes many episcopal documents and sheds light on contemporary economic and social conditions.

£5.00 plus p&p

A Calendar of New Forest Documents 1244-1334

Edited by D J Stagg; 330 pages

New Forest material from the 13th and 14th centuries illustrating the working of forest law and the relationship between forest and common law. The volume also includes New Forest sections of the lay subsidy roll of 1327-8.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Hampshire Lay Subsidy Rolls, 1586

Edited by C R Davey (1981); 180 pages

List of Hampshire inhabitants (excluding Southampton and the Isle of Wight) who paid lay subsidy in 1586, providing a directory of the propertied classes. The volume also includes a comparable tax assessment for Winchester – the assessment of the fifteenth and tenth of 1585, and provides evidence of civil administration units and the relationship between tithings and parishes.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Wainscot Book: The Houses of Winchester Cathedral Close and their Interior Decoration 1660-1800

Edited by J Crook (1984); 184 pages

Register of panelling and other fixtures installed in the Deanery and Canons’ houses in Winchester Cathedral Close during the period 1660-1800, providing information on the interior decoration of these houses and on their occupants. The edition is illustrated with 20 plans and drawings, including conjectural plans of the Cathedral Close in 1649 and 1750.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Register of William Edington, Bishop of Winchester 1346-1366, Part 1

Edited by Dom S F Hockey (1986); 317 pages

First volume of the register of Bishop William Edington who was treasurer of the Exchequer and Lord Chancellor as well as bishop of Winchester. The register is a chronicle of the administration of the diocese, and includes references to clergy and benefices, matrimonial disputes and testamentary business. It covers the period of the Black Death and the start of the Hundred Years’ War.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Register of William Edington, Bishop of Winchester 1346-1366, Part 2

Edited by Dom S F. Hockey (1987); 289 pages

Second volume of the register of William Edington, completing the story of his administration of the diocese begun in Part 1. It includes a subject index relating to Parts 1 and 2 to supplement the indexes of persons and places in each volume.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Cartularies of Southwick Priory, Part 1

Edited by K A Hanna (1988); 551 pages

Calendar of the first two cartularies of Southwick Priory, a foundation of Augustinian canons, containing documents relating to the gifts of lands, churches and tithes on which the priory relied for most of its income, and including two rentals and custumals, records of litigation, and a perambulation of Hampshire royal forests. The detailed introduction covers both Parts 1 and 2.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Cartularies of Southwick Priory, Part 2

Edited by K A Hanna (1989); 305 pages

Calendar of the third cartulary of Southwick Priory, containing a wealth of information on the priory’s property at Southwick and Winchester and shedding light on the origins of Portsmouth. The volume contains indexes to Parts 1 and 2.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Hampshire Hearth Tax Assessment, 1665

Edited by E Hughes and P White (1991); 468 pages

Hearth tax assessment for the county of Hampshire (excluding the Isle of Wight) for the year and a half ending Michaelmas 1665, and the assessments for the town of Southampton for 1662 and 1670. The assessments, which record those liable to pay tax and those discharged by reason of poverty, include over 20,000 names and are an excellent source for family, local and social and economic historians. The text is supplemented by a general introduction and indexes of persons, places, named properties, occupations and unusual forenames.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Religious Census of Hampshire, 1851

Edited by J A Vickers (1993); 248 pages

Hampshire and Isle of Wight returns to the 1851 Census of Religious Worship relating to over 800 places of worship – Anglican, nonconformist and Roman Catholic, and for each one giving the date of consecration or erection of the particular building, details of accommodation and numbers attending services, and other information. Taken together the returns provide an unparalleled survey of the religious condition of the county in the mid-19th century, shedding light on patterns of religious worship, the strength or weakness of particular denominations, and the history of individual churches and chapels.

£5.00 plus p&p

Parson and Parish in 18th century Hampshire: Replies to Bishops' Visitations

Edited by W R Ward (1995); 384 pages

Replies made by Hampshire clergy to three sets of visitation ‘inquiries’ issued by bishops of Winchester in 1725, 1765 and 1788. Coming parish by parish the replies cover practically the whole county (including the Isle of Wight in 1725 and 1788) and contain a wealth of valuable information for the local, social and church historian, ranging from early population statistics to details of school and charity provision. They also record the clergy’s view of other religious bodies – nonconformists and Roman Catholics – very often for areas where no other information survives and form an invaluable guide to the religious pulse of the diocese.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Pipe Roll of the Bishopric of Winchester 1301-2

Edited by M Page (1996); 470 pages

Complete translation of the Winchester pipe roll for 1301-2, including a wealth of detail about the extensive estates of the bishops of Winchester – the corn and livestock raised, the peasantry who worked the land, the bishop’s property, and shedding light on the economic, social and agrarian history of southern England. The Winchester pipe rolls, perhaps the most celebrated manorial records in existence, are detailed annual accounts of income and expenditure on the bishop of Winchester’s vast estates which were mainly concentrated in Hampshire but stretched from Taunton in the west to Southwark. A microfiche copy of the original roll is included with the volume.

£5.00 plus p&p

A Guide to Enclosure in Hampshire 1700-1900

Edited by John Chapman and Sylvia Seeliger (1997); 403 pages

A parish-by-parish guide to enclosure in Hampshire. It probably offers the most comprehensive attempt yet made to present the evidence for enclosure for an English county. It traces the disappearance of open fields, common meadows, pastures and wastes throughout Hampshire and provides full details of all known parliamentary enclosures and formal written agreements. Where possible it also gives documentary evidence for informal enclosures and includes maps of many Hampshire parishes annotated to show former open fields and commons.

£5.00 plus p&p

The Pipe Roll of the Bishopric of Winchester 1409-10

Edited by M Page (1999); 551 pages

Complete translation of the Winchester pipe roll for 1409-10, containing the annual accounts for the extensive estates of the bishops of Winchester, which in the early 15th century comprised over 60 manors and 10 boroughs, over half located in Hampshire, the remainder spread from Surrey to Somerset. By 1409-10, increasingly unfavourable economic and social conditions led the bishop of Winchester to begin leasing his demesne and thereby to exploit his estate in a different way, changes which can be clearly seen by a comparison of the roll for 1409-10 with that for 1301-2 (published as Hampshire Record Series 14). A microfiche copy of the original roll is included with the volume.

£5.00 plus p&p

Doing the Duty of the Parish: Surveys of the Church in Hampshire 1810

Edited by M Page (1999); 202 pages

Returns made by Hampshire clergy to two surveys commissioned by the bishop of Winchester in September 1810 into the state of his church. The returns survive for almost all parishes in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, providing information about their incumbents and curates, the capacity of church buildings, and the presence of dissenting places of worship. The edition includes extensive biographical notes on the clergy mentioned and a substantial introduction which provides a detailed picture of the parochial system in early 19th-century Hampshire, and raises key issues about the later Hanoverian Church and the process of Church reform.

£5 plus p&p

The Christchurch Priory Cartulary

Edited by Katharine A Hanna (2007); 648 pages

Calendar of the medieval cartulary of Christchurch Priory, a house of Augustinian canons founded in c1150 and holding extensive estates in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. The cartulary contains a wealth of charters, surveys and other documents relating to the ownership and management of the priory’s lands dating from the 12th to the early 16th century, and also includes a fascinating document detailing the food and drink to be provided to the canons during the year. The edition contains introductory essays on the history of the priory and on the manuscript itself which was badly burned in a fire in 1731.

£5 plus p&p

The Knights Hospitallers in Medieval Hampshire: A Calendar of the Godsfield and Baddesley Cartulary

Edited by Felicity Beard (2012); 109 pages

Calendar of the medieval cartulary of the Knights Hospitallers relating to lands held across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. The Hospitallers held the secluded rural estate of Godsfield, east of Winchester, in the 12th-16th centuries, with a small group of brothers, led by a preceptor, living a communal life there according to the Rule of St Augustine; another group of brothers lived at a second preceptory at North Baddesley. The cartulary contains charters, rentals and surveys providing details of the medieval landscape and the names of those who lived and worked there.

£5 plus p&p

The Hampshire Tax List of 1327

Edited by Patrick Mitchell-Fox and Mark Page

Medieval tax lists, naming the individuals who paid money to the Crown, are a valuable source for local and family history, and for the study of English settlements, surnames and wealth. This edition of the 1327 tax list for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight includes the names of around 7,980 taxpayers living in about 490 separate places who paid a total of almost £845 to the Royal Exchequer

£5 plus p&p