Digitising cinefilm

Transforming your precious on-film moments into memories that will last a lifetime

Your memories are precious. From important birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other special life events, film has been an invaluable way of capturing and storing these treasured experiences for years. However, film can be temperamental, and your beloved reels can deteriorate if stored incorrectly.

Luckily, we offer digitisation services for 8mm, Super 8, 9.5mm and 16mm film, so your memories can be preserved for years to come. Our expert staff will transfer your film onto DVD/USB, providing a safe and controlled storage environment in the process. The team’s years of experience mean that both the original film and the digitised copy will be treated with the greatest care before they are returned to you.

Why should I digitise my film?

Most commonly available film (8mm, Super 8, 9.5mm and 16mm) is made from cellulose acetate plastic. Unfortunately, this material can suffer chemical deterioration caused by being stored in too hot, humid, or damp places for too long. You can tell this has started to happen because the film will start to smell strongly of vinegar (vinegar syndrome). Vinegar syndrome leads to loss of detail, shrinkage, desaturation and brittleness of the film and will make it non-transferable.

While our trusted experts can make minor repairs to damaged film at an additional cost, we do advise that you digitise your film before vinegar syndrome becomes a problem as any vinegar-smelling film can’t be transferred. 

We can help

Let us know how much film you have and what format you’d like it converted to and by when.

  • Copy audio visual
  • £40
  • per hour

If you require any advice on film and digitisation, please also get in touch and we’d be happy to help.

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