Environment of the river
The River Hamble Estuary contains areas which are highly regarded for their importance to nature conservation, including wildfowl, fish nursery areas, saltmarshes and even historic shipwrecks.
The Harbour Authority ensures that any activities we undertake or anything we permit others to do will not harm this valuable environment.
We are responsible for:
- the daily routine of monitoring the harbour environment
- advising the Harbour Board on environmental matters
- working with other organisations and authorities to manage the harbour environment
Protecting habitats
The river and its banks is home to many different creatures, from tiny molluscs to wading birds. We work to protect all the different habitats that the river supports.
Bird Aware Solent
Bird Aware Solent aims to raise awareness of the birds that spend time on the shores of the Solent. They help users of our rivers and waterways learn how to share the space with wildlife.