Young parents and continuing pregnancy

Talk through your decision with your GP and family and friends so that they can support you throughout your pregnancy and after the birth

Where can I get support?

As soon as you decide to continue with the pregnancy your GP will refer you to a named midwife who can arrange antenatal care. It's really important that you talk through your decision with family and friends and seek support throughout pregnancy and after the birth.

The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a voluntary programme offered to first time mums and dads aged under 19. If you are looking for support, and would like to find out more information as to whether you would be able to join the programme, you can email: [email protected] or call on 0300 003 0338. View the FNP Facebook Page.

The are a number of different services that will be able to provide young parents and young parents to be with information and support. Staff can provide information on a range of topics including parenting, breast feeding, stopping smoking, and support on benefits, housing, training and employment.

Useful websites on being pregnant and becoming a young parent:

Where can I find out about adoption?
Hampshire County Council Children’s Services Department can offer advice and support about adoption and fostering.

If you would like to find out more about adoption and discuss the process email [email protected]