Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities
All of the sexual health services shown on this website are available to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community but if you are LGBT or exploring your sexuality you may want to access some additional information and support
- What advice is there for young people?
In the Hampshire area there are several projects that you can get in touch with, which are specifically designed for young people who are exploring their sexuality or who identify as LGBT:
- No Limits, Breakout Youth is a youth project for young people in Hampshire aged 11 to 21 (up to 25 if additional needs are identified) who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender or unsure of their gender or sexual identity. Breakout is hosted by No Limits. Breakout Youth offers confidential one to one support and weekly social groups that meet at safe locations in Hampshire. If you are a young person who needs confidential advice and support, or would like to meet others going through a similar experience then contact staff at Breakout.
- Y Services for Young People provides a weekly LGBTQ youth group for young people aged 13 to 19 in a safe and relaxed social space and also provide one to one support for young people in Gosport and Fareham.
- Email Dawn at [email protected] to find out more
- Alton Gender Sexuality Alliance. If you’re a student at Alton College be sure to check out their Gender Sexuality Alliance. Everyone gay or straight is welcome. Our aim is to create a safe and friendly college environment for all, whether gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning or straight. We meet up every week and often join up with other local college and university GSA groups. We respect privacy and everything said in the group, stays in the group!
- For more information email [email protected]
- What advice is there for gay and bisexual men?
Gay and bisexual men in Hampshire can access free and confidential support, advice and information from the Sexual Health Promotion Service. The service offers sexual health information designed specifically for gay and bisexual men including one to one support; group work; access to free condoms & lube; safer sex information; and where appropriate quick check HIV testing testing (all ages) and quick check Chlamydia testing for young people 15-24.
You can access free Hep B jabs, sexual health check-ups and HIV testing at local sexual health clinics. Sexual health clinics offer a free confidential service and will not pass any data about your sexuality or sexual health status to any other parties.
If you are over 16 years old you can order condoms online from the local sexual health service. This service is only available to residents living in Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton and to residents that are aged 16 and over.
For more information on sexual health services visit Let's talk about it
- What services are there for transgender people?
Most people do not question the gender they are born with, however some do. The organisations below are able to offer a range of services to those questioning their gender, to transgender people and to their families and friends:
- The Beaumont Society is a national organisation offering help and support for all transgender people
- Terrence Higgins Trust - Clinics and resources for trans and non-binary people
- Advice on gender issues on the Brook website
- How can I deal with homophobia or transphobia?
Homophobia is a resentment or fear of gay and lesbian people. This could be shown as a passive dislike of gay people, or active victimisation.
Transphobia is a resentment or fear of transgender or transsexual people.
A Hate Crime is any incident which constitutes a criminal offence, perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate.
A Homophobic Hate Crime is any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by the offender’s hate of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. This can include verbal, physical or emotional abuse by an individual or group; but always directed specifically at someone who is (or who is thought to be) lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
If you would like to talk to someone about any issues raised above you can talk in confidence to a Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary LGBT+ Link Officer or report any issues anonymously on the True Vision website.