Canal Visitor Centre and Canal Office

Canal Visitor Centre

The Canal Visitor Centre including campsite and boat hire is operated by Surrey County Council. Visit the Surrey County Council's Canal Visitor Centre website for what's on offer and opening times.

You can contact the Canal Visitor Centre by calling the Canal Office phone number 01252 370073 and selecting the Visitor Centre option.

Canal office opening times

The Canal Office phone line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm for all navigation, canal maintenance, and recreational use enquiries.

In the event of an out of hours canal maintenance emergency please listen to the recorded message for how to contact us.

If you need to visit the Canal Office, please make an appointment first by calling 01252 370073 or emailing [email protected].

Canal Office address

Canal Office
Basingstoke Canal Centre
Mytchett Place Road
GU16 6DD

Contact us

Email [email protected] 
Phone 01252 370073