Mr Peer-Jada Qureshi

Peer-Jada Qureshi (PJ) runs a legal consultancy helping businesses, charities and individuals find lasting solutions to governance, contractual and court related matters collaboratively.

Previously, PJ was called to the UK Bar Council in 2001. A first class distinction in his Masters and a very competent in his bar vocational exams, culminated in a major award from Middle Temple and he was sent on assignment to the EU Commission in Brussels. He worked on international merger clearance, cartel busting and anti-trust matters. On his return to the UK PJ qualified as a corporate finance solicitor with the leading global law firm Slaughter and May. That work involved representing FTSE100 companies, investment banks and governments on various national and international legal matters.

PJ has a strong commitment to and understanding of Hampshire. He was born in Winchester, studied at King Edward’s VI Southampton and helped set up and chair the Winchester Muslim Cultural Association, and co-chaired the Hampshire Interfaith Network with Councillor Roy Perry. His daughter Iman was also born in Winchester.

Mr Peer Jada-Qureshi