Tali Atvars

Tali is the President of Winchester Student Union for 2017-19, graduating with a high Second Class Honours degree in Education Students, he was elected into the role towards the end of his final year. He is responsible for representing Winchester Student Union and all students of the University of Winchester, sitting on both of the Board of Governors for the University and as Chair for the Union’s Board of Trustees.

Whilst studying at the University Tali was both the chair of the radio and media societies and was a Student Academic Representative for combined honours students in his first year. Tali has also taken part in a variety of different projects taking place at the University including the REACT project which focused on Student Engagement at explored three specific student-partnership initiatives across different universities. Whilst in his final year at Winchester Tali was also elected as a part-time executive officer taking the role of Volunteering & Community Officer; working to represent the student voice and being responsible for community liaison and ensuring fundraising and volunteering opportunities were available to all members.

Tali Atvars