Schedule of charges

All charges must be paid in advance


Member estimates


1. One estimate per member record per year (within 18 months of proposed retirement date). No charge
2. Additional estimate requests per member record (within 18 months of proposed retirement date). £100 + VAT = £120


  • A member can check their annual benefit statement to view an estimate at the previous 31 March.
Pension Sharing on Divorce

1. Cash equivalent transfer value and estimate of current pension benefits.
Provided within three months of written request.

No charge
 2. Further request for cash equivalent transfer value within 12 months (charge per member record). £150 + VAT = £180
 3. Information required within three months of request. £150 + VAT = £180
4. Cash equivalent value for pensioners. £150 + VAT = £180
5. Information required in addition to one cash equivalent transfer value plus one member estimate. £150 + VAT = £180

Note: Information given under 3, 4 & 5 above will only incur one charge of £180.

6. To implement a Pension Sharing Order*.
This fee above must be paid before implementation
£650 + VAT = £780
   7. To implement an Earmarking Order. £250 + VAT = £300

*This includes all the administration charges for:

  • Setting up a new deferred credit member record for ex-spouse if appropriate.
  • Dealing with the transfer out of the deferred credit benefit, if required.
  • Putting into payment the deferred benefit to the ex-spouse and payment of any inherent death benefits.
  • Administering the pension once in payment.

Note: Charges under item 6 can be recovered from the ex-spouse's portion of the Cash Equivalent Transfer Value on written request to Pension Services.