Police Pension Scheme 2015 (PPS 2015)

The Police Pension Scheme started on 1 April 2015. The New Police Pension Scheme 2006 (NPPS) is now closed to new members.

Current members of the previous schemes (PPS and NPPS) will join the new scheme unless they are eligible for full protection or tapered protection. Tapered protection members will transfer to 2015 Scheme at the end of the tapered protection period.

Highlights of 2015 scheme

  • Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) scheme with a pension build up (accrual) rate of 1/55.3 of the members pensionable earnings for each year; each year this is added to the members pension pot
  • Each year a members total pension pot from the 2015 scheme is revalued until retirement. It is revalued at a rate of Consumer Price Index (CPI) + 1.25%
  • There is no maximum length or service limit on benefits
  • The normal pension age (NPA) is 60
  • Option to take pension from 55, known as the normal minimum pension age (NMPA), subject to reductions applied to your pension
  • A death grant lump sum is payable of 3 times your final pay (or annualised pay if less than 12 months membership) if you die in service and are an active member of the scheme
  • Dependants benefits payable in the event of your death, whilst a member of the scheme
  • At retirement, you can exchange pension for a one off  lump sum; for every £1 of pension you give up, you will receive £12 of lump sum (up to a maximum of 25% of your total pension pot)
  • Immediate pension benefits payable if you are retired on the grounds of ill-health (subject to the criteria of the 2015 scheme regulations and grounds of ill-health retirement)
  • Flexibility to pay more – through buying additional pension (contact us for the maximum limit)
  • Transfer in of previous pension benefits allowed during first 12 months of pensionable service

For more in-depth details about the 2015 Police Pension Scheme and to understand the protections available if you are/were in the Police Pension Scheme 1987 (PPS) and/or New Police Pension Scheme 2006 (NPPS), please refer to:

The Police Pension Scheme 2015 – Members Guide