Years 5 and 6 - Lesson Plan 2

How can we avoid secondhand smoke?

Lesson time

This lesson should take 45 minutes.

Task time

This task should last 15 minutes.

Whole class task or small group task

Group discussion in class about strategies to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke, to include:

  • Asking parents/carers to always smoke outside and away from the door
  • Asking parents/carers never to smoke in the car, even with the window open
  • Asking parents/carers to change clothes/coat after smoking
  • Not allowing guests in the house to smoke
  • Asking family and friends not to smoke around them
  • Suggesting to parents/carers that they can stop smoking with help from an NHS Stop Smoking Service

Use Resource #7 for teacher information.

Letter to a parent

Individual task time

This task should take 30 mins.

Each child to have a copy of Resource #11. Ask the children to write a persuasive letter to Rashid’s parents asking them not to smoke in the house or car.

They should include:
  • a) How the smoke may affect Rashid’s health
  • b) What they could do instead e.g. go outdoors, quit
  • c) Why it is important to Rashid

Home learning task

Ask pupils to produce an A4 poster promoting smokefree homes.