Fairy garden
Fairy garden
A magical garden with a meaningful message
The fairy garden, opened in April 2019, incorporates a magnificent sculpture created from the remains of an ancient cedar tree. The tree had to be removed because it was diseased and deemed unsafe for park visitors, so we took the opportunity to transform the area into something truly magical.
We received funding from the Fair Ways Foundation, who, in association with the park, created this magical Fairy Garden. This provided an opportunity that also enabled the young people at Fair Ways to gain vocational life skills and AQA certified qualifications.
The main feature, with its turrets, dragon and fairies, was designed and created by local chainsaw sculptor, Chris Bains. It stands proudly next to an enormous wizard’s picnic area created by Fair Ways school pupils.
The garden seeks to challenge perceptions about children in care and demonstrate Fair Ways’ commitment to creating a new life for its service users.
It was donated to the park for the enjoyment of all our visitors.