Liability Claims
Highway claims
If the claim you wish to pursue relates to an incident on the highway please see our Incident Claim page.
Claimants not represented by a Solicitor
Claimants who are not represented by a Solicitor should submit a written claim to Hampshire Legal Services The Castle, Winchester, Hants SO23 8UJ, with full details of their claim, including:
- a) the date and time of the occurrence;
- b) exactly where the accident/incident occurred, supported if possible by a sketch plan or photograph (if applicable);
- c) names and addresses of all witnesses;
- d) a description of the circumstances of the accident/incident and how the County Council is considered to be liable;
- e) full details of any personal injuries (if applicable);
- f) full details of any damage and cost claimed supported by copies of estimates/invoices (if applicable).
Claims Portal – Claimants represented by a Solicitor
Please note that Hampshire County Council can receive claims from firms of solicitors as a compensator through the Claims Portal. The Council is both the defendant and the insurer for the purposes of relevant pre-action protocols and in particular you should note that the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims will apply in respect of all employers’ liability and public liability claims arising out of incidents which occurred after 31 July 2013 where the valuation of the claim is unlikely to exceed £25,000. The Council is self-insured in respect of claims where the valuations fall within the limits set by the Pre-Action Protocol.