Planning and Environment
We handle a wide range of work relating to the responsibilities of Hampshire County Council and our other clients as major landowners. We also handle a wide range of transactional legal work and queries in relation to our clients’ planning, environment, and highways and transportation functions.
The Planning and Environment Team deals with agreements under the Highways Act 1980: including sections 4/8 agreements with strategic highways companies, section 38 adoption agreements and section 278 agreements for the execution of works. The Team advises in respect of a wide range of planning and related agreements in particular working with local authorities to secure developers’ planning obligations under section 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The Team also provides a full range of advice in respect of: all aspects of planning, including legal procedural issues relating to applications, certificates of lawful use and enforcement issues; all aspects of highway law, including the status and use of highways and rights of way and the drafting and enforcement of statutory notices; the regulation of traffic and parking issues; the designation and use of commons and town or village greens; and agency issues.
The Team provides representation at public inquiries, particularly in the areas of rights of way and planning matters.