Public Sector Pension Funds

If you have any involvement with the management of public sector pension schemes, you’ll be only too aware how difficult it is to balance the interests of all of the different categories of member with the interests of the other stakeholders. In particular, if you are directly or indirectly responsible for the management of a wide variety of investment assets you need to ensure that you not only have appropriate high quality professional support but that the cost of this support is carefully managed and proportionate.
So far as governance issues are concerned, you need to consider the legal implications for your public authority of the ongoing reform of now public sector pensions are funded. These reforms may radically affect the way in which the underlying investments are managed: in particular new rules for pooling of assets in larger funds leading to a need to review governance arrangements for balancing short and long term commitments. We have expertise dealing with these issues including the creation of a combined local authority pension fund panel and board.
On a day to day basis, you will need assistance with the management of assets and, so far as commercial property is concerned, our Commercial Property Team provides a highly cost effective solution for those managing large and diverse commercial property investment portfolios.
If you feel that we could help you to achieve your objectives in respect of your public sector pension fund then please contact a member of our Public Sector Pension Funds Sector Group.
Services provided
- Property transactions
- General litigation
- Legal advice