Commercial Property and Construction

We handle a wide range of work as a result of our clients’ responsibilities as major landowners. This includes transactional legal work and queries, not only in respect of our clients’ commercial property portfolios but also as a result of their particular planning, environment and highways and transportation functions. Clients not only include Hampshire County Council and the Hampshire Pension Fund, but also the emergency services and national parks.
The range of work that is undertaken by our Commercial Property Team is extremely broad, from single property sales and acquisitions to a full service for commercial landlords and tenants, restructuring of commercial property portfolios and development sales. The Team advises on the negotiation and drafting of all property related documentation, including sale agreements, complex conditional contracts, overage agreements, transfers, leases, licences, deeds and charges. The Team also undertakes a voluntary first registration project with a view to registering Hampshire County Council’s entire land holding. We also provide comprehensive advice on all matters of title in respect of the Council’s land holding.
Members of the Contracts and Partnerships Team, working closely with the Commercial Property Team, can provide complementary advice in respect of the legal aspects of construction contracts. Both of these teams also work with our General Litigation Team in respect of any property or construction law disputes.