Contact us about the LGPS
Our helpline will assist with all member enquiries, but will not provide specific pension figures by telephone.
- How to contact us
Send a secure message via our Member Portal:
Member PortalOr:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01962 845588
Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 16:30
Our phone line are closed on weekends and public holidays.
Write to us at:
Hampshire Pension Services
The Castle, Winchester
SO23 8UBMore contacts
- Financial advice
Hampshire Pension Services can give you information about your pension and the scheme regulations but we cannot give you financial or tax advice. We are not allowed to advise you to take a particular course of action when a choice arises. Instead, you may wish to seek the assistance of an independent financial adviser or tax adviser.
You can find information on choosing a financial adviser and the fees they charge at: Choosing a financial adviser | MoneyHelper
- Difficulty with hearing, speech or vision?
If you have difficulty hearing or are speech impaired, you can contact us through Relay UK (previously Next Generation Text Service). Visit their website for further instructions.
If you have difficulty hearing and are using a text phone, you should telephone 18001 followed by 01962 845588.
If you have a sight impairment, we can send you an enlarged copy of a document. We can also send a version on audio CD or in Braille. If you require further information about these options please contact us on 01962 845588.